The Villatico Mills

Villatico and its Mills path

Perhaps not many people know that in Villatico, as many as 12 mills were operating in the past centuries. Their large wheels were moved by the water channeled into the “Roggia Molinaria” and operated other simple machines that allowed them to beat or “fuller” fabrics and above all grind grain. The first dates back to 1239. A two-wheel mill or molestino is documented as early as 1627 and stood near the church and the wash house. Now, almost 60 years after the last mill was closed it is possible to visit the ancient and suggestive village of mills choosing between two itineraries, both suitable for adults and children and well marked: the direct route between Mills and the Molini CAI Circle Trail.

Mills can also be visited indoors upon availability of the owners and booking.



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