San Rocco Church

A small church located at the sloops of the Mount Legnone

San Rocco church is located on the sloops of the Mount Legnone, in Villatico. The building is romanic with a semicircular apse. The church was devoted to Saint Fabiano and Sebastiano, but between XVII-XIX centuries, the population decided to start devoting the church to Saint Rocco. This happened because during that period there were a lot of epidemics and Saint Rocco is the protector of the infected.

It is possible to get to the church through the Sentiero del Viandante or the Anello di Villatico that starts from the Villatico Church.

Every year, on the 16th of August, a popular feast is held in San Rocco. Also, from the 30th of June to the 25th of August, the church is opened every sunday from 2:00 pm to 5:50 pm.

Ufficio Turistico Comune di COLICO, Via Pontile nº7 - 23823 COLICO (LC) -  Tel.: 0341 930930 - e-Mail: - P.IVA 01686210137

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