Kanto Feeling Experience

Kanto’s goal is to offer its customers quality products, made according to the basic principles of Japanese cuisine, i.e. respecting the natural tastes, colours and textures of the food, seasoning in moderation and using spices sparingly, for a result that is unparalleled in sight and taste.

General info

  • Foreign languages spoken: English

Restaurant services

  • Number of place settings in summer: 150
  • Number of covered winter: 140
  • Number of room: 2
  • Kitchen: Japanese sushi
  • Catering takeaway
  • Menu for celiacs
  • Closing days: Monday


  • Elevator
  • Pets
  • Air conditioning
  • Garden
  • WiFi
  • Foreign languages spoken: English


Ufficio Turistico Comune di COLICO, Via Pontile nÂș7 - 23823 COLICO (LC) -  Tel.: 0341 930930 - e-Mail: info@visitcolico.it - P.IVA 01686210137

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