
Portovino offers a wide range of breakfasts, brunches and typical and local food. Its specialty is lake fresh fish bought from selected and trusted suppliers. There is also the possibility to match the dishes with a choice of 20 glass of wines or with one of the 400 bottles of wine kept in the winery. For the after-dinner, Portovino offers dessert wines, worldwide distillates and a selection of the and infusions.

General info

  • Foreign languages spoken: English/German/French
  • Typology: Array


  • Wine shop / cellar
  • Foreign languages spoken: English/German/French


  • Via Montecchio Nord, 2,
  • +39 0341940253

Ufficio Turistico Comune di COLICO, Via Pontile nÂș7 - 23823 COLICO (LC) -  Tel.: 0341 930930 - e-Mail: info@visitcolico.it - P.IVA 01686210137

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