Appartamento bilocale a Villatico

Two-roomed apartment located in a building in Villatico area.

General info

  • Foreign languages spoken: Francese, Inglese

The accommodation

  • Number of rooms: 1
  • Number of beds: 2 + divano letto
  • Number private bathrooms: 1


  • Elevator
  • Hairdryer
  • Balcony
  • Mini-bar
  • Garden
  • Wipes included
  • Parking
  • Foreign languages spoken: Francese, Inglese


  • Via Villatico, 42,
  • +39 3384729805
  • Email

Ufficio Turistico Comune di COLICO, Via Pontile nÂș7 - 23823 COLICO (LC) -  Tel.: 0341 930930 - e-Mail: - P.IVA 01686210137

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